40 Things to Give Up or Take Up for Lent + Resource Roundup

Lent is coming... lent is here! Are you ready?

Here's what I'm giving up this year:

1. Arguing
This is a big and difficult one for me. I'm a naturally argumentative, competitive, and dare I say combative person. It CAN have it's benefits, but mostly I think it makes people think I'm unfriendly. It might be a Jersey thing. In any case, I'm giving up arguing for Lent in hopes that it makes me more humble, more gentle, and less unfriendly-seeming.

2. Chocolate
I can't do a ton of fasting, because I'm usually either nursing, pregnant, too physically ill/weak, or a combination of all of the above. Right now I am in the latter category, and so instead of doing big fasts like my husband does, I will cut out my favorite every day treat.

3. Forgetting my Rosary
I have fallen off the rosary bandwagon... again. In this post I outlined my whole prayer routine, and in it I mention how I go through phases where I pray the rosary every night, and phases where I fall out of the habit. For Lent, I'm deliberately going to fall back INTO the habit, and try to make it stick for at least this whole season.

Something extra I do every year during Lent is make sure to do the daily bible readings each day. In years past I've used the Laudate app or the Blessed Is She devotionals, but this year I'm planning to use this Lenten Journal for Artists that my wonderful friend Julia made.

Here are some more Lenten resources for you:

40 Prayer Journal Prompts by Prayer Wine Chocolate

Visio Divina Social Media Style for Lent 2020 by Molin & Co (I will actually be participating in this! So check it out and keep an eye out ;) )

Lenten Sacrifice Beans by Catholic Icing

MANY ideas including songs and coloring pages from Look To Him and Be Radiant

Peg doll backdrops by Calibrini Creations

Lenten Activities for Children from CatholicMom.com

There are several liturgical living books I'd recommend with more ideas, the most easily readable of which is Kendra Tierney's Catholic All Year Compendium

If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading this post by Stephanie Weinert on "TEN THINGS I wish I could tell my ten-years-ago mom self about Lent"

and if you're confused about what fasting / abstinence actually means, or when to do it, check out the USCCB guidelines.

If you'd like to understand the history of Lent, and how traditional Catholics historically did (and sometimes still do) observe this penitential season, check out Fisheaters.

Things To Give Up During Lent
1. Sweets
2. Meat
3. Animal products
4. Social Media
5. Cartoons for kids or your favorite show
6. Arguing
7. Road rage
8. Wasting time
9. Being late
10. Soda, coffee, or a favorite drink
11.  Hot showers (use warm or cold water)
12. Driving if you live in a place where you can get around without
13. Snacks
14. Gossip
15. Being negative
16. Complaining
17. Jewelry / choosing to dress more simply
18. Staying up too late
19. Procrastinating
20. Coffee or meals out (cook at home instead and donate the $ saved)

Things To Take Up During Lent
1. Extra prayer
2. Bible readings
3. Adoration or a Holy Hour
4. Daily Mass
5. Extra sacrifices
6. Daily rosary
7. Decluttering / getting rid of excess
8. Reducing waste
9. Extra kindness
10. Parking in the front spot
11. Letting someone else go first
12. Extra acts of kindness
13. Going to bed early or waking up early
14. Exercise 
15. Changing all the diapers to give your spouse a break (I did this one year!)
16. Doing someone else's chore for them
15. Doing all the dishes
17. Volunteer work
18. Visiting someone you know who is sick
19. Preparing meals for the hungry
20. Visiting someone in prison
21. Other charitable work


And if you have any other questions about Lent or catholicism in general, I would be so glad to try to answer them for you, or point you towards someone who can. Just send me an email to michellesolomonart [at] gmail [dot] com.